Chinese employee fired for OK emoji reply to boss on WeChat - Tech News - News Summed Up

Chinese employee fired for OK emoji reply to boss on WeChat - Tech News

An employee has been fired from a bar in Changsha, central China, after replying to her manager with an OK emoji on instant messaging app WeChat. The manager tagged the employee in the team’s WeChat group last week, asking her to send over some meeting documents, and took issue with her response. “You should use text to reply to the message if you have received it, don’t you know the rules?” the manager replied. “Is this your acknowledgement of receipt?”A few minutes later he told the employee to contact the human resources department and sort out her resignation. “This is a real case, the resignation is still processing,” the employee told online media platform Btime.

Source: thestar June 18, 2019 09:32 UTC

