Children killed as bomb falls near Sudan hospital - MSF - News Summed Up

Children killed as bomb falls near Sudan hospital - MSF

Africa News of Sunday, 12 May 2024Source: bbc.comTwo children were killed and others were injured after a bomb fell near a paediatric hospital in the western Sudanese city of El Fasher, the medical charity MSF has said. It is the last major urban centre in the Darfur region that remains in the hands of the army. Patients were also injured and those who could make it sought safety in another hospital, which had already taken in 160 wounded people on Friday. Fear now pervades El Fasher as residents are unsure where to seek refuge. The UN's humanitarian co-ordinator for Sudan said that "the violence threatens the lives of over 800,000 civilians".

Source: GhanaWeb May 12, 2024 13:27 UTC

