Rumours of Ms. Jayalalithaa going abroad for medical treatment are false, hospital clarifiesTamil Nadu Chief Minister and AIADMK general secretary Jayalalithaa, who was admitted to Apollo Hospitals in Chennai with fever and dehydration late on Thursday, continued to be under observation on Sunday. As per standard medical protocol, necessary investigations and tests are being done to prevent recurrence of fever. The Honourable Chief Minister is continuing on normal diet,” a hospital statement said. The Chief Minister is responding well to the treatment and continues to get better, it added. The hospital also stated that rumours of Ms. Jayalalithaa going abroad for medical treatment are “totally false and baseless.”“There is no questions of taking the Honourable Chief Minister abroad for treatment, as there is no necessity at all for this,” it saidIt added that the Chief Minister would be discharged from the hospital in a few days.
Source: The Hindu September 25, 2016 13:56 UTC