Cher calls Donald Trump an 'unbelievable narcissist' at New York rally - News Summed Up

Cher calls Donald Trump an 'unbelievable narcissist' at New York rally

Veteran singer Cher has bashed US President-elect Donald Trump calling him an "unbelievable narcissist," during an appearance at New York City's We Stand United rally. I'm an elitist lib-tard. I'm an elitist lib-tard whose grandmother picked cotton, whose mother sang on bars when she was eight years old during the Depression. "....I want to tell you who I am so I can tell you what I believe. I have been accused by these people of being so many things, but I understand how the people were so desperate to pick this man, this unbelievable narcissist who could change the face of our world if we let him.

Source: dna January 20, 2017 06:54 UTC

