Police in Madhya Pradesh have arrested 15 youngsters and have charged them with sedition allegedly because they cheered and seemingly supported the Pakistani cricket team over the Indians during Sunday's Champions Trophy finals. The 15 youngsters, who are from the same community, were arrested from Madhya Pradesh's Burhanpur district and are set to be produced in front of a court today. Acting on the complaint, police detained and booked the youngsters under section 124A (sedition) and 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code. Police believed that the tempers were particularly running high as the outcome of the match was unfavourable for the Indian cricket team. Also read:Many Indians thank team India for losing Champions Trophy to PakistanICC Champions Trophy 2017: Virat Kohli bemused after confusing question by journalistVirat Kohli says 'no shame' in admitting India didn't play their best cricket vs PakistanPakistanis savour victory over India with celebratory gunfire and sweets
Source: India Today June 20, 2017 10:08 UTC