Ceremony held after refurbishment of hairdressers and beauty salon - News Summed Up

Ceremony held after refurbishment of hairdressers and beauty salon

A ribbon cutting ceremony took place to celebrate the refurbishment of a town centre hairdressers and neighbouring beauty salon. Toni and Guy, based at 52 Maidenhead High Street, and Fresh and Fabulous Aesthetic Beauty Salon, re-opened on Monday, June 10 after undergoing a makeover. Fresh and Fabulous, which operates from the first floor of the building, has added another room to provide more space to carry out consultations and its range of beauty treatments. Fresh and Fabulous Owner Rashida Thornewell said: “We came here in April 2014 and this was my original dream which has finally come true. “From just having one room to now having three rooms and a retail shop, I’m absolutely proud of what I’ve achieved and what I can offer.”Seema Goyal, president of the Maidenhead Chamber of Commerce, attended the ceremony earlier this month to celebrate the improvements made to both businesses.

Source: Express July 01, 2024 14:31 UTC

