Centralization or Collapse? Draghi’s Controversial Plan to Save the EU — Part I - News Summed Up

Centralization or Collapse? Draghi’s Controversial Plan to Save the EU — Part I

A competitiveness strategy for Europe’ (September 2024), European Commission, p. 1, https://commission.europa.eu/document/download/97e481fd-2dc3-412d-be4c-f152a8232961_en?filename=The%20future%20of%20European%20competitiveness%20_%20A%20competitiveness%20strategy%20for%20Europe.pdf, accessed 25 Sept. 2024. [3]Theo Legett, Laura Gozzi, ’EU facing existential risk without investment’ (9 Sept. 2024), BBC.com, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gq1e7k2j8o, accessed 9 Sept. 2024; The Editorial Board, ‘The Guardian’s view on Europe’s future: spend big or risk the consequences’ (17 Sept. 2024), The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/sep/17/the-guardian-view-on-europes-future-spend-big-or-risk-the-consequences, accessed 18 Sept. 2024. [9] Draghi report (Part A), p. 11[10] Draghi report (Part A), p.11. [11] Jonathan D. Rhyne, ’Mario Draghi’s new report on EU competitiveness didn’t mince words’ (10 September 2024), Medium, https://medium.com/@jdrhyne/mario-draghis-new-report-on-eu-competitiveness-didn-t-mince-words-54da8bf68b09, accessed 12 Sept. 2024. [19] A G7+ Critical Raw Materials Club would be a forum for cooperation among the G7 countries and other like-minded nations on critical raw materials issues.

Source: The Guardian October 09, 2024 15:31 UTC

