Celebrated Bollywood producer set to film in Mombasa After his Tara won the Best Feature Film award during the India-hosted Vindhya International Film Festival last week, Kumar Raj is expected in Mombasa, where he will be shooting another love film. The producer and film director has had a long love affair with the Kenyan Coast, where he has staged a number of sets, besides identifying and working with young talented filmmakers there. The Kenyan shoot will feature, among others, Coastal Film Productions signee Nadia Queen, who has auditioned for various roles in international films. “I will be honoured to feature in such a celebrated franchise that has been showcased in almost all the international film festivals and won admiration from judges to scoop major awards,” Nadia told The Standard. "I came there and thought, 'why not work on a movie called Love in Mombasa' after seeing the beautiful beaches and other filming locations that are world-class.
Source: Standard Digital January 27, 2021 03:45 UTC