Congress in Kerala on Sunday backed former minister K Babu, against whom a case has been registered by Vigilance in connection with bar bribery scam, holding that it was done as part of the political vendetta by CPI(M)-led LDF government. But, here the Vigilance has failed to come out with any evidence against Babu so far,” Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee President V M Sudheeran told reporters briefing the deliberations of the party’s political affairs committee meeting held here yesterday. Sudheeran’s statement assumes significance as he had earlier refused to make any comment on the case against Babu. AICC General Secretary in charge of party’s Kerala affairs Mukul Wasnik said merit and capability of individuals would be main criteria for the selection of DCC presidents. The 21-member political affairs committee was constituted by AICC recently among other things to coordinate the revamp of party state unit.
Source: Indian Express September 25, 2016 15:33 UTC