Warrants obtained ‘unlawfully’Warrants to search the homes of wrongly accused suspects were obtained “unlawfully” after police misled a magistrate, the report finds. Police wrong to say witness was ‘credible and true’Scotland Yard officers agreed to publicly say they believed Beech when publicising their ill-fated inquiry, Operation Midland, the report reveals. Exaro journalists first, and subsequently Midland officers, took ‘Nick’ on a tour of London with a view to identifying premises where ‘Nick’s’ alleged abuse had occurred. This intrusive conduct caused difficulties for the Midland officers.”The report notes that the BBC journalist Tom Bateman and the corporation’s home affairs correspondent, Tom Symonds, met Beech. Symonds showed Beech pictures of two boys who were either murdered or went missing in the late 1970s and early 80s.
Source: The Guardian October 04, 2019 17:37 UTC