Cannabis export hits a snag as Ethiopia blocks passage – Capital Radio Malawi - News Summed Up

Cannabis export hits a snag as Ethiopia blocks passage – Capital Radio Malawi

Malawi’s efforts to start exporting Cannabis have suffered a heavy blow following the Ethiopian authorities’ stance to refuse passage of the product on its aircraft and through its territory. Last month, Addis Ababa seized local industrial hemp producer, Invegrow Limited’s first consignment to Europe. Confirming the situation, Invegrow’s Director, Nebert Nyirenda, explained that the Ethiopian authorities did not give any reason for the ban. Meanwhile, Nyirenda said negotiations to change the route have since commenced with South Africa now becoming the main option. Invegrow has secured markets for its Cannabis products in various European countries like Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Poland among others.

Source: Ethiopian News March 09, 2023 21:39 UTC

