Can money conquer death? How wealthy people are trying to live forever - News Summed Up

Can money conquer death? How wealthy people are trying to live forever

I took fecal samples — I hate to say that, unappetizing, sorry,” Diamandis says as he makes his way up Wilshire Boulevard. Instead, he’s using it prophylactically as part of the $120,000 he spends every year to live as long as possible. Longevity is the medical frontier and lifestyle fad of the moment, but it remains a hotly debated and controversial topic within the scientific community. Without aging being defined as an illness, longevity treatments face a murky regulatory path with the FDA. “If you’ve been fortunate enough to make $100 million or more, you want to do whatever you can to live forever,” said Michael Cole, managing director of R360.

Source: Los Angeles Times June 15, 2024 13:06 UTC

