Can madrassas help improve our society? - News Summed Up

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Can madrassas help improve our society?

Severa­l other positi­ve messag­es can be reinfo­rced by madras­sas using Islami­c precep­tsThe question of what to do with Pakistani madrassas keeps reemerging. Last year, the army chief even called for the need to revisit the very concept and function of madrassas in Pakistani society. The role of madrassas in contemporary Pakistani society has become increasingly problematic. Moreover, even if madrassas start teaching secular subjects in earnest, this measure alone cannot address the intolerance and sectarianism being reinforced within madrassas. To make our society more progressive and tolerant, the Islamic curriculum currently being taught within madrassas must be reviewed.

Source: The Express Tribune February 23, 2018 06:11 UTC

