NEW DELHI: Former Calcutta high court judge CS Karnan was on Tuesday arrested from Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore and was taken to Chennai. "Karnan had been found staying in an apartment at Madukarai, near Coimbatore. It shows complete lack of respect of the Supreme Court by the Executive. ""Right or wrong the Supreme Court judgment has to be implemented and the state is fully responsible for the lapses and must be held accountable," Dave said, pointing out that "The whole saga reflects the sorry state of affairs in the judiciary. "However, well-known lawyer Kamini Jaiswal says that Justice Karnan may have escaped arrest so far but now he will be arrested.Unlike what happens in the case of the common man, in the case of Justice Karnan they have to follow procedures and take the help of Tamil Nadu police in arresting him, Jaiswal said.
Source: Times of India June 20, 2017 14:32 UTC