COVID-19: PFN urges government not to cause panic in churches - News Summed Up

COVID-19: PFN urges government not to cause panic in churches

Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has called on the government not to create the impression that diseases are distributed in the church, which is supposed to be a centre of the solution. He alleged that government had been creating more fear in the hearts of the people with the panic measures; hence he called for balance. His words, “The idea should not be created that the church is a place where you distribute diseases; that is not right. We must understand that the church is part of the life of the average Christian in Nigeria. Churches have been ministering online, on radio and television since the lockdown, he noted, maintaining that there’s need for congregational worship.

Source: The Guardian June 06, 2020 03:22 UTC

