CONSULTANT - BASED ON MOROCCO. Migrant Health. Strengthening migrant health monitoring in North Africa and Yemen: development, evaluation and implemen - News Summed Up

CONSULTANT - BASED ON MOROCCO. Migrant Health. Strengthening migrant health monitoring in North Africa and Yemen: development, evaluation and implemen

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) is a cutting-edge institute addressing global public health challenges through research, translation into policy and education. Research is organized in three main areas, Malaria and other Infectious Diseases, Child and Maternal Health, and Urban Health, Climate & Non-Communicable Diseases. Location:MoroccoWhat We Are Looking for:ISGlobal is seeking a national consultor from Morocco who is interested in taking over and managing activities of the project Strengthening migrant health monitoring in North Africa and Yemen: development, evaluation and implementation of an innovative data tool (MHCP-t). WHO - Country level policy recommendations (any reference to migration will be included). UNHCR, (immunization projects in migrant populations)IOM, (projects on vaccination in migrant populations)MSF (projects on immunisation in migrant populations)Unicef (projects on vaccination of migrant populations)Other organisations (NGOs, etc.)

Source: The North Africa Journal July 16, 2021 00:22 UTC

