CNN team robbed while working on San Francisco street crime story - News Summed Up

CNN team robbed while working on San Francisco street crime story

By Brian NiemietzNew York Daily NewsSAN FRANCISCO — CNN Senior National Correspondent Kyung Lah and a senior producer were robbed in San Francisco while working on a story about “rampant street crime.”“Got robbed again,” Lah tweeted Friday afternoon. The CNN guards got a picture of the car and its license plate as it sped off. Lah and her team spent three days in “beautiful” San Francisco, but warned that even with hired muscle keeping guard, cars aren’t safe on city streets. NBC News reported San Francisco averaged 74 break-ins daily. The San Francisco Chronicle reported in December more than half of San Francisco residents surveyed had been victims of theft or larceny, with illegal entry into automobiles accounting for a large number of grievances.

Source: CNN March 18, 2023 10:12 UTC

