CM Murad presents Rs1.714 trillion ‘tax-free’ Sindh budget - News Summed Up

CM Murad presents Rs1.714 trillion ‘tax-free’ Sindh budget

They chanted “Imported Hukumat Na Manzoor” (Imported Government is not acceptable) and “Imported Budget Na Manzoor” (Imported Budget is not acceptable) slogans. The total budget outlay for Financial Year 2022-23 is estimated at Rs.1.714 trillion, as against budget estimate of Rs.1.478 trillion for CFY 2021-22, showing overall increase of 15.9%. He said that non- development budget had been enhanced from Rs. “Whereas, Rs.34.22 billion have been earmarked as development budget for School Education department for next financial year 2022-23. TRANSPORTMurad said that total Rs 4bn had been allocated for procurement of new buses by Sindh Mass Transit Authority.

Source: The Nation June 15, 2022 20:29 UTC

