CJ Maraga, judges snub President Uhuru's Parliament address - News Summed Up

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CJ Maraga, judges snub President Uhuru's Parliament address

| Published Wed, September 13th 2017 at 00:00, Updated September 13th 2017 at 00:39 GMT +3The judges of the Supreme Court failed to attend President Uhuru Kenyatta's address to the joint sitting of Parliament on Tuesday. We always invite them, at least the Chief Justice and other judges for such functions. A source in the Judiciary told The Standard that the Supreme Court judges opted to stay away and instead write the much-awaited judgment of the presidential petition. The source also said the judges could have been keen to avoid the 2013 scenario where they were booed for attending the ceremony. ALSO READ: Opinion: Is Chebukati memo to Chiloba an open letter to Supreme Court judges?

Source: Standard Digital September 12, 2017 21:00 UTC

