The Starscrapers Awards Drama Edition will kick off on August 24, 2023, in the picturesque city of New Alamein. The famed "Cairo Drama Festival" is finally back in its second and unique edition, taking place as part of the first-of-its-kind "Starscrapers" Awards mega event, celebrating "60 years of Drama." With the assistance of the most brilliant minds in the industry, CDF's exceptional edition will be honoring the top leading drama works of 2023. Additionally, it will withhold numerous surprises. On the occasion that the first Starscrapers awards ceremony will be hosting and celebrating CDF’s second edition, a press conference was held in New Alamein festival with the attendance of CDF head Yehia El Fakharany, CDF head of jury Elham Shahina, Actors' Syndicate head Ashraf Zaki, POD vice chairman Gamal Salah.
Source: Egypt Today August 15, 2023 22:28 UTC