Busloads of migrants from 'caravan' arrive at US-Mexico border - News Summed Up

Busloads of migrants from 'caravan' arrive at US-Mexico border

By evening, two busloads of men, women and children arrived in Tijuana, a city that grazes southern California. The arrivals spilled into the streets and gazed toward San Diego, visible at spots through a rusty barrier or across a pedestrian bridge, exhausted after their trek that began a month ago near Mexico's southern border with Guatemala. Another four busloads were making their way north from Hermosillo, a city 432 miles south of the border, where the migrants had been stalled for days. A third group, resigned to staying in Mexico, awaited processing for year-long visas by immigration authorities in Hermosillo. After Trump's comments, Mexican authorities stalled the caravan in a southern town and began handing out temporary visas that gave them legal status to travel to the border.

Source: bd News24 April 25, 2018 03:45 UTC

