President Muhammadu Buhari, on Tuesday, commissioned a 1.5MegaWatts solar power project for the Ministry of Works and Housing as well the Ministry of Environment. He said the project, which is the largest solar project for a public building in Africa, will enable the reduction of carbon emissions. President stated this while commissioning a 1.5 MegaWatts PV plus microgrid system and energy solar power Plus microgrid system and energy retrofitting of the Ministry of Works and Housing Headquarters in Abuja. “This is a worthy option for other Agencies of Government to consider.”He further disclosed that the Federal Government has commenced the competitive procurement process for a 150MegaWatts solar power project along the Maiduguri axis. YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THESE HEADLINES FROM NIGERIAN TRIBUNENo Evidence Arab League Sent Warning Message To FG On Biafra MovementCLAIM: A Twitter user claims that the Arab League of Nations sent a warning message to the Nigerian government on the Biafra movement.Buhari commissions 1.5MWs micro-grid system for two ministriesBuhari commissions 1.5MWs micro-grid system for two ministries
Source: Nigerian Tribune July 06, 2021 17:15 UTC