Buenos Aires Herald - News Summed Up

Buenos Aires Herald

The libertarian bested Peronist candidate and current Economy Minister Sergio Massa, winning 56% of the vote to Massa’s 44%. During the first presidential debate, Milei noted that he had since apologized to the spiritual leader of more than two-thirds of Argentines. On the home front, Milei unofficially confirmed a number of ministers and that his government will have just eight ministries, half of the current number. The latter two “Frankenstein’s ministries,” as we’ll call them, are both amalgamations of numerous current cabinet-level agencies.And what of Sergio Massa? Having appointed a four-person transition group to coordinate with Milei’s economy team, Massa later said that he would remain in office until Alberto Fernández’s term ends on December 10.

Source: Bueno Aires Herald November 24, 2023 17:13 UTC

