Buckingham Palace has unveiled details of King Charles III’s coronation weekend, due to take place in the spring. Released on the evening of January 21, the announcement from Royal Communications offers “further details on the ceremonial, celebratory and community events that will take place over the Coronation Weekend” from May 6 to May 8, 2023. The statement continues: “The Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May, 2023. At Buckingham Palace, The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by Members of the Royal Family, will appear on the balcony to conclude the day’s ceremonial events.”Following the coronation day itself, the festivities will continue on through the bank holiday weekend. The announcement explains: “there will be further opportunities for people to come together in celebration of the historic occasion.
Source: The Star January 22, 2023 20:30 UTC