Bringing the turtles back - News Summed Up
Bringing the turtles back

Bringing the turtles back

November 15, 2023 12:40 UTC

Trending Today

Bringing the turtles back

With only about one in every 1,000 turtles surviving to adulthood, that is why several concerned individuals founded the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch (LTTW) to protect turtles’ habitats and help save them from extinction. It is important to preserve sea turtles to maintain a balance in marine lives because only about one in every 1,000 turtles survive to adulthood. To date, 2,264 nests of endangered green turtles, critically endangered hawksbill turtles and painted terrapins have been saved. Sea turtles foraging through the sands and racing back to the ocean after emerging from their nests. Debunking many common misconceptions about the importance of preserving sea turtles, Long said turtles are critical in maintaining ecological importance.

Source: The Star November 15, 2023 12:40 UTC

