It had been around a year since Indian climber Goutam Ghosh, a 50-year-old police officer from Kolkata, died near the summit of Mount Everest. Dawa is seen near the base camp of Mount Everest after searching for the body of Indian climber Goutam Ghosh. The government of India spent around US$200,000 (RM827,500) to retrieve Ghosh’s and two other dead bodies from Mount Everest that week, according to Mingma Sherpa, also of Seven Summit Treks. The mission has since stood as a testament to the possibility of recovering all dead bodies from Mount Everest, something that was once considered impossible and often cited as an excuse not to bring the dead bodies down. Exact data is unavailable, but government estimates suggest that over 150 bodies of an estimated 300 climbers are still on Mount Everest, many deep in snow.
Source: The Star September 06, 2020 00:00 UTC