Bridget Jones’ Dairy: is Renée Zellweger’s What/If the cheesiest thing on TV? - News Summed Up

Bridget Jones’ Dairy: is Renée Zellweger’s What/If the cheesiest thing on TV?

Now that Grand Designs is basically a show where you watch a marriage disintegrate as a posh shed goes over budget, and Location, Location, Location is just worried-looking couples telling Kirstie and Phil that, yeah, if a two-bed flat is all they could afford in 2019’s housing market they suppose they could give a child away, how do we get our fix of property porn on telly? Anne makes Lisa a deal: she will fund her medical research, but in return Anne gets to spend one night with Sean. Renée Zellweger, however, is incredible. She shags the handyman in the sex steam room, sobs into her cuddly toy tiger and commits arson, all while her blowdry stays perfect. Also: Renée Zellweger, and the sex steam room.

Source: The Guardian June 15, 2019 09:56 UTC

