Brendan Rodgers has earned Celtic transfer risk that could see him blow Rangers away for title 55 - News Summed Up

Brendan Rodgers has earned Celtic transfer risk that could see him blow Rangers away for title 55

Brendan Rodgers had a gulf between him and Rangers first time around. If Celtic get it right this summer having been pushed for a spell by the Ibrox club last season, he has a big chance to create another chasm. If Rodgers and Celtic make the right moves over the next couple of months, they have a real chance to both blow Rangers away and also make that elusive mark again when facing the continent’s elite. The template for Celtic is the first-half they produced under Rodgers against Atletico Madrid at home last season. If they make those right transfer moves, that cherished European impact could be realistic and, domestically, they can leave Rangers trailing way behind.

Source: Express June 29, 2024 17:36 UTC

