Soon after the Snapchat controversy erupted, people began to uninstall app of Snapdeal and give it poor ratings and reviews on various app stores. Photo: BloombergNew Delhi: In a case of mistaken identity, many people downgraded and uninstalled the mobile application of e-commerce platform Snapdeal instead of social networking app Snapchat to mark their protest against certain unverified comments of Snapchat CEO about the Indian market. However, soon after the controversy erupted, #BoycottSnapchat became one of the top trending topics on Twitter and people began to uninstall the app and give it poor ratings and reviews on various app stores. Interestingly, a section of Internet users mistook Snapchat to be Snapdeal and uninstalled the e-commerce app of the latter. You are making Snapdeal pay for that...please change your ratings,” wrote one of them.
Source: Mint April 16, 2017 15:45 UTC