Books we’re reading this week: feminism, history and graphic novels - News Summed Up

Books we’re reading this week: feminism, history and graphic novels

As one would probably expect when dealing with a newsroom, non-fiction is an ever present reading category for our staff. We’re also engulfed in the history of how Homo sapiens evolved, as well as a graphic novel version of a dystopian book of one of Argentina’s most important writers. – EstefaníaSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari (Harper, 2015, 464 pages)The book explores the history of humankind and the rise of the homo sapien species. The book discusses how Homo sapiens were a relatively unimportant species for a significant period of time and how we came to be the only human species. It is just now delving into how Homo sapiens permanently altered the Earth’s ecosystems, specifically looking at the colonization of Australia.

Source: Bueno Aires Herald July 01, 2023 17:52 UTC

