The President said in his communication that the objective of the Act is to amend the Act establishing the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to create in its stead the Ministry of Local Government consistent with the Local Government Act of 2018. “When enacted, the Ministry of Local Government shall be responsible for providing executive oversight to, mentor, and guide all local governments, specifically in their management of balanced, socio-economic development programs. These include communal farming, research, boundary harmonization; empowerment of local communities, strengthening of the delivery of social services, cultural and traditional practices,” the President indicated. Meanwhile, President Boakai has also written the House of Representatives to approve AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 30, PUBLIC AUTHORITIES LAW, LIBERIAN CODES OF LAW REVISED TO ESTABLISH THE Liberia NATIONAL TOURISM AUTHORITY ACT (LNTA). “The Tourism Sector, when properly managed, will be an engine of investment, employment, growth, national development, international integration and reconciliation,” the President averred.
Source: Daily Observer May 02, 2024 14:01 UTC