Bluefin tuna weighing 200kg named Yilan’s firstStaff writer, with CNAA bluefin tuna weighing 200kg that was brought to shore on Thursday and announced as Yilan County’s “first bluefin tuna of the season” is to be auctioned today, the Suao Fishermen’s Association said yesterday. A bluefin tuna is unloaded from a boat at Nanfangao Fishing Port in Yilan County’s Suao Township on Thursday. 168 Chuan Chang Lung was first, returning to Nanfangao Port (南方澳港) on Thursday, the association said. The boat’s captain, Lin Yi-chun (林宜俊), said that he was just 1.2kg shy of winning the first Bluefin tuna title for Yilan in the middle of this month, when he returned with a fish that weighed 178.8kg. Yilan’s fishers compete with Pingtung County to register Taiwan’s first bluefin catch of the year, which this year went to a Donggang (東港)-registered boat, which returned with a 254.5kg Bluefin tuna on April 11 that fetched NT$9,000 (US$299) per kilogram, the association said.
Source: Taipei Times April 24, 2020 15:56 UTC