Share this Story: Bishops 'clarify' earlier message, now say Catholics can receive any COVID vaccine available to themBishops 'clarify' earlier message, now say Catholics can receive any COVID vaccine available to them 'Since there is currently no choice of vaccine being offered, Catholics in good conscience, may receive the vaccine that is available and offered to them' Photo by Jack Boland/PostmediaArticle content Canadian Catholics may in good conscience receive any COVID-vaccine that is available to them, even if it was developed using cell lines from an aborted human fetus, according to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. This week, the bishops first said Catholics should reject these vaccines if another was available, but reversed themselves two days later. The clarification restated that getting a COVID vaccine can be an act of charity that contributes to the common good. More On This Topic Canadian bishops group criticized for suggesting some COVID vaccines are more 'morally acceptable' than others Why COVID vaccine rollout in Canada is lagging so far behind the U.S. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine has likewise used the PER.C6 cell line, a different line of human embryonic cells from a different fetal retina.
Source: National Post March 12, 2021 22:30 UTC