Biggest increase in Quebec: Lavaltrie mayor’s salary from $78,000 to $136,000 per year - News Summed Up

Biggest increase in Quebec: Lavaltrie mayor’s salary from $78,000 to $136,000 per year

The mayor of Lavaltrie, Christian Goulet, will see his salary jump 74% between 2021 and 2022, the most marked increase of all elected officials in Quebec. This significant increase is mainly due to the increase in his mayor’s salary of $24,125, or more than 50%, which was voted by the Lavaltrie municipal council at the beginning of 2022. “I would have been hurt if I found that I was the best salary in Quebec for similar cities,” explained Christian Goulet. Counselors also receive a salary increase of nearly 30%, or $4,219 per year. In addition to his salary as mayor, Christian Goulet saw his salary increase due to his appointment as prefect of the MRC in D’Autray, which brings him $47,884 per year.

Source: Daily Nation December 10, 2023 10:28 UTC

