Biden's Cabinet of many women shows other world leaders that US takes gender equality seriously - News Summed Up

Biden's Cabinet of many women shows other world leaders that US takes gender equality seriously

Our work on gender inclusion and Cabinet picks suggests that when world leaders – particularly those in powerful countries – appoint more gender-balanced Cabinets, other world leaders may become more likely to name women for key posts. But even controlling for domestic factors, world leaders who broadcast the idea that gender equality matters can affect the decision-making of other leaders. Having a neighboring country with an above-average percentage of women Cabinet ministers is associated with an 8% increase in female Cabinet ministers in nearby nations, our research shows. Shared membership in international organizations with strong gender equality standards, like the European Union, also seems to increase the importance leaders attach to gender. Our research on ambassadors suggests that world leaders will also pay attention to the envoys that Biden sends abroad.

Source: Ethiopian News February 22, 2021 14:04 UTC

