Biden thanks President Ruto for leading UN mission to Haiti - News Summed Up

Biden thanks President Ruto for leading UN mission to Haiti

U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday held a call with President William Ruto acknowledging Kenya’s support for the UN mission in Haiti. Biden thanked President Ruto for “answering Haiti’s call to serve as the lead nation of the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission,” according to the White House. “They welcomed the successful vote at the United Nations Security Council yesterday authorizing the MSS to bring relief to the people of Haiti, who have suffered for far too long at the hands of violent criminals,” said the White House in a statement about the telephone call. “President Biden also congratulated President Ruto for hosting the recently concluded Africa Climate Summit and expressed appreciation for the U.S.-Kenya strategic partnership, which is founded on a pursuit of shared solutions to global challenges,” it said. Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda also announced they were willing to help.

Source: Daily Nation October 04, 2023 04:24 UTC

