Biden, Scholz to discuss Ukraine war, China in Washington - News Summed Up

Biden, Scholz to discuss Ukraine war, China in Washington

Biden, Scholz to discuss Ukraine war, China in WashingtonReuters, BERLIN and WASHINGTONGerman Chancellor Olaf Scholz was yesterday scheduled to hold confidential talks in Washington with US President Joe Biden about the war in Ukraine amid growing concerns that China might provide weapons to Russia as its invasion grinds into a second year. US President Joe Biden, left, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrive at a G7 welcoming ceremony in Kruen, Germany, on June 26 last year. Scholz arrives as the US is consulting with allies about the possibility of imposing sanctions on China if it provides military support to Russia for its war in Ukraine, according to four US officials and other sources. “The Biden administration will use the Scholz visit to try to shift Germany’s balance in the direction of stronger pushback,” he said. Critics said the measure is a slap in the face to Europe from its biggest ally at a time when Europe is struggling with sharply higher energy prices due to the Ukraine war.

Source: Taipei Times March 03, 2023 16:48 UTC

