Biden’s Administration supports a negotiated two-state solution; renews relations with the Palestinian leadership - News Summed Up

Biden’s Administration supports a negotiated two-state solution; renews relations with the Palestinian leadership

The United States assured the UN on Tuesday that the new Administration of Joe Biden will support a negotiated two-state solution in the Middle East, which implies a viable state for Palestine, and announced that it was renewing US relations with the Palestinian leadership, and restoring “credible engagement” with the Palestinians. The remarks were made by the US deputy representative to the United Nations, Richard Mills, during the first briefing by the new UN envoy for the Middle East Tor Wennesland and an open debate on the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. He announced in this connection that the US contribution to the UNRWA, which was reduced by $360 million under Trump, will be restored. Mills added that the US will urge countries to follow the paths of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, which normalized relations with Israel at the behest of the Trump administration. The announcement under the Trump Administration to support the Israeli annexation of the West Bank led the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas to break off talks.

Source: The North Africa Journal January 28, 2021 00:45 UTC

