BENGALURU: Karnataka Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara on Sunday said business rivalry, impending elections and terrorising investors coming to Bengaluru in view of a stable government in the state are some of the angles which the police are working on to crack relating to the blast at a city eatery. The explosion took place at Rameshwaram Cafe in Brookefield in East Bengaluru on Friday. Parameshwara said one of the angles being probed was to see if it was to terrorise Bengaluru in view of the impending elections. "As many investors are coming here in view of a stable government, this might have been done either to stop investors from coming to Bengaluru or due to some other unknown reasons," Parameshwara said. The Minister appealed to people to rely only on the statements issued by him, police and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and not on speculative ones.
Source: Indian Express March 03, 2024 10:03 UTC