Behind the Comparison of Zuma’s South Africa and Mugabe’s Zimbabwe - News Summed Up

Behind the Comparison of Zuma’s South Africa and Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

Advertisement Continue reading the main storyAs a result, many South Africans are now voicing a long-held fear: Is South Africa headed in the same direction as Zimbabwe? The dominant settler states — Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa — all followed this model. Advertisement Continue reading the main storyIn this context, Zimbabwe’s land redistribution program was a Rubicon moment. Advertisement Continue reading the main storyIn South Africa, vilification of President Zuma often has the paradoxical effect of strengthening his hard-line support, especially when critics resort to racist and colonial tropes. What will determine whether South Africa can escape the “Zimbabwe complex” is its ability to confront the inequity that was the legacy of the political settlement that ended apartheid.

Source: New York Times April 27, 2017 13:18 UTC

