Amid an oversupply of the fruit, Mega International Bank (兆豐銀行) announced last week that it had purchased 100 tons of bananas to give away to staff and customers over the last two weeks of July. Each customer coming to the bank in person would be given around 1 Taiwanese catty (600 grams) of the fruit — about four bananas — the bank said. Other customers, angry at not getting the fruit during their visits after some branches ran out, even demanded the bank issue a "banana guarantee certificate." More innocent were the Hua Nan Bank (華南銀行) employees who were on the receiving end of criticism from customers for failing to hand out free bananas their bank hadn't even promised — something particularly ridiculous considering the banks' names sound nothing alike in Chinese. "Only NT$20 in free bananas is enough to turn people into monkeys," one said.
Source: The China Post July 24, 2017 09:22 UTC