(PRNewsfoto/BANILLA GAMES, INC.)Guangzhou Crazy Software Technology Co., Ltd. (Crazy Software) andGuangzhou YingFeng Technology Co. Ltd. (YingFeng). According to the lawsuits, both Crazy Software and YingFeng advertise counterfeit versions of Banilla's games and then ship those counterfeit games, containing pirated software, into the United States. In late 2021, Banilla Games undertook a campaign to fight back against counterfeit games coming into the U.S. from China. Since then, Banilla Games has brought more than twenty lawsuits against those that possess, place, distribute, import, or sell counterfeit Banilla games. Moreover, Banilla Games has obtained several findings of willful infringement against infringing defendants.
Source: CNN March 30, 2023 00:46 UTC