The leaders taking part in the protest on Monday said that they were planning to surround the French Embassy in Dhaka. The demonstration has cut off traffic on both sides of Baitul Mukarram’s north gate, Gulistan, Nightangle intersection and National Press Club area. Shahbagh Police Inspector (Patrol) Abul Bashar said that around 2,000-3,000 Malaysia-bound people were in front of the foreign ministry which compounded the traffic chaos. In Bangladesh, tens of thousands marched through Dhaka, the capital on Friday, chanting "Boycott French products" and carrying banners calling Macron "the world’s biggest terrorist". In Gaza, ruled by Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, hundreds of Palestinians took part in anti-France rallies, chanting: "With our souls and blood we will redeem the Prophet."
Source: bd News24 November 02, 2020 06:22 UTC