Another 55 fatalities were registered in the 24 hours to 8am Sunday, bringing the body count to 2,052, according to the health directorate. The recovery count also rose to 72,625 after 1,904 more patients overcame the disease at home and in hospital care during that time, she added. The rate of recovery from COVID-19 currently stands at 44.72 percent while the mortality rate is 1.26 percent. A total of 13,988 samples were tested at 68 authorised labs across the country in the last 24 hours with 19.57 percent returning positive results, according to government data. While it took nearly three months for the body count to reach the 1,000 mark, the tally has doubled in the space of 25 days.
Source: bd News24 July 05, 2020 08:48 UTC