Backstory: Holding back at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines crash - News Summed Up

Backstory: Holding back at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines crash

FILE PHOTO: Ethiopian Federal policemen stand at the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane crash, near the town of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri/File PhotoAs he drove closer, the full scene emerged - people standing staring at the wreckage of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 spread out over a wheat field, just hours after it had come down. It was very emotional, very tough,” said the 30-year-old, who grew up in a small town just the other side of the capital Addis Ababa. “We didn’t want to show anything that families might recognize or that was too graphic or distressing to look at.”His first photos gave a broad view of the crash site. “Later in the week, families of the passengers were brought to the crash site.

Source: Ethiopian News March 22, 2019 13:18 UTC

