Uttar Pradesh Health Minister Siddharth Nath Singh on Tuesday claimed that the state government had vaccinated 93 lakh children in 2017 in response to the infant deaths at Baba Raghav Das Medical College in Gorakhpur. Our government is taking preventive measures. Our govt taking preventive measures:UP Health Min #BRDHospital pic.twitter.com/yg69THBjf7 — ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 7, 2017The BRD Hospital Acting Principal Dr P.K. “About 40 to 50% children admitted at the BRD die as they are brought to the hospital in a very critical stage. Eight hospital staffers, including then Principal Dr Rajiv Mishra and his wife Purnima Shukla, and the oxygen supplier Manish Bhandari were held responsible for deaths.
Source: dna November 07, 2017 06:33 UTC