Senior leader Ruhul Kabir Rizvir told the media on Friday that the possible venues for the rally were the Suhrawardy Udyan and in the capital’s Naya Paltan, where the party headquarters is situated. Khaleda, a three-time prime minister, is serving a five-year jail term in a 10-year-old case that involves the embezzlement of foreign funds meant for orphans. The BNP has been claiming that the corruption charges against the party chief are politically motivated attempts to shut Khaleda out of the election due in December. The 72-year-old is now at the old jailhouse on Nazimuddin Road in Dhaka since Feb 8, when the court found her guilty of the charges involving Tk 21 million. BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Rizvi said they have already sought the authorities’ clearances for holding the rally.
Source: bd News24 February 16, 2018 06:33 UTC