Indian team captain Prithvi Shaw and coach Rahul Dravid pose for photographs with the trophy after winning the ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup finals in Mount Maunganui on Saturday. Photo: PTINew Delhi: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Saturday announced a cash reward of Rs50 lakh for the U-19 chief coach Rahul Dravid while the World Cup winning squad members will receive Rs30 lakh each. Head Coach Rahul Dravid played his cricket with sincerity and it was pleasing to see the boys uphold the value.”BCCI acting president C.K. BCCI acting secretary Amitabh Choudhary said: “It is a proud day for everyone associated with the BCCI and Indian cricket. In Rahul Dravid, we have a fantastic coach who is moulding the youngsters and also fine-tuning the boys at the India A level before they progress to the senior side”.
Source: Mint February 03, 2018 12:00 UTC