Choosing a name for a new baby can be a tough decision, but a northern B.C. Last week, Prince George linguist Bill Poser published a booklet of baby names in the Carrier language — or Dakelh — with Carrier Sekani Family Services, after years of research and consultation with elders. Among the common Carrier names listed in the booklet are Ditnan, which means "thundering", Whutl'at, meaning "end of the lake"; and Yak'ushun, meaning "song in the sky." The booklet contains lists of Carrier names borrowed from English and French, and native Carrier names that have rarely been adopted by members of the First Nation since Roman Catholicism came to its territories in the mid-19th century. Poser uses the name of Soo Yinka Erickson — the daughter of Mavis Erickson, former chief of Carrier Sekani Tribal Council — as an example of a native Carrier name.
Source: CBC News November 28, 2020 23:37 UTC