Awakened by Horror (Part 2) - News Summed Up
Awakened by Horror (Part 2)

Awakened by Horror (Part 2)

February 15, 2019 03:11 UTC

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Awakened by Horror (Part 2)

By Edward BoakaiWhen our young baby cried, it was indeed a cry of victory after God rescued us from the carnage at Division Twenty-Five. Thus, fear gripped the entire inhabitants of Kakata and its environs that terrible Friday as everybody, including my young baby mother and I, was left in panic and uneasiness. For that reason, I did not have the occasion to go home but to stay at my baby mother’s place and spend the night. Soon, I would disguise myself as an ordinary man; a typical Liberian for that matter, struggling to make ends meet, with a young baby mother. How would I, not only I alone though, but my young baby and mother survive this imminent danger?

Source: Daily Observer February 15, 2019 03:11 UTC

